Why is refined sugar bad?

why refined sugar is bad for you

Since January 2017 I have been ‘refined sugar free’.  I have unknowingly made a couple of slip ups (thanks Baxters for changing your lentil and veg soup recipe), but I have tried my best to not consume anything that has sugar as an added ingredient. I had already, long before this, begun my quest to … Read more

How to easily eat these 7 delicious super foods every week

I’m a huge advocate for healthy eating and fuelling our bodies with the most nutrient rich superfoods we can.  I believe poor diets are the number one cause of illness and disease across the world, particularly the rise in type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.  Most day to day illnesses such as coughs and … Read more

Is the ‘everything in moderation’ diet a load of baloney?

One thing that’s been winding me up lately is this ‘everything in moderation’ diet nonsense.  Yep, nonsense.  I said it and I reckon a lot of people will disagree, but hear me out. I truly believe that this ‘moderation diet’ is just most people’s excuse to be able to eat all the bad things they … Read more