How to recycle unwanted materials when renovating your home

When we moved into our property we wanted to totally redo the whole place to make it our own.  In fact, four years on we are still going!  Things have slowed down considerably and we don’t feel quite in so much of a rush to get it all done as the bulk of it was … Read more

Upcycling could be the trend that changes the world

We’re all used to fads coming and going which is why we have become somewhat immune to them.  We’ve lived for so long in a throwaway culture with fast fashion and home trends which are in one minute, but out the next.  We haven’t minded so much before as items have become so cheap.  We’ve … Read more

How to always recycle your old clothes even if ruined

How to always recycle your old clothes (even if ruined)

A part of eco-friendly living for me is being less wasteful, only throwing things into landfills if there’s absolutely nothing else that can be done with them and reusing or recycling as much as possible.  This is even true for clothes.  I find it astonishing that people throw old clothes into the bin in this … Read more

20 ways to reduce plastic consumption

Plastic pollution is a huge problem and one that’s not going to disappear overnight, even with our best efforts.  Many plastics never fully decompose and tiny particles of plastic are left both on land and in the sea.  I was shocked to recently watch the documentary A Plastic Ocean and realise the full scale of … Read more