Benefits of eating hemp seeds

The word cannabis can have a bad reputation as many people link it to smoking cannabis and getting high.  However, the cannabis plant has so many benefits. 

Many of these have been realised in recent years as CBD oil extracted from the cannabis plant has gained in popularity as an effective natural remedy for many health complaints from insomnia to chronic pain and even relief from some seizures caused by epilepsy, as well as some mental health conditions. There are even articles online praising CBD in helping with conditions such as acne, hair loss and hypothyroidism to name a few.

As well as using the cannabinoids from the cannabis plant to help with health, we are also able to create hemp milk and even materials from the leaves to create homewares and clothing. It’s uses really do seem endless!

Another health beneficial way to make use of the cannabis plant is to eat the seeds of the cannabis plant themselves.  The seeds are very nutritional and as they do not contain THC, you don’t need to worry about getting high when eating the seeds!

If you’ve never considered eating hemp seeds before, then read on. In this article we will look at the reasons to add hemp seeds to your diet and how they can benefit your nutrition.

Benefits of eating hemp seeds

Why should you use hemp seeds in your diet?

Hemp seeds contain protein, fibre, and healthy fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6.

They also contain vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, and B vitamins. 

Hemp seeds have antioxidant effects which is very beneficial to our health.

The small cannabis seeds that form the edible part of the Cannabis sativa plant do not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive found in the cannabis leaf. That is also the reason why you can buy weed seeds on Sensoryseeds legally and anonymously, as the seeds themselves don’t actually contain THC!

In fact, the hemp seeds have a such a good nutritional profile they are classed by many as a superfood!

When shopping for cannabis seeds for your diet they will be known as hemp seeds.  You may already be familiar with hemp milk or hemp oil for its health benefits and the seeds are another great way to maximise your nutrient intake from this amazing plant.

So why do we call them hemp seeds and not cannabis seeds?

It’s mainly down to the THC content and to differentiate from something that is legal as opposed to illegal.

As Healthline explain: “The term “hemp” is used to mean cannabis that contains 0.3 percent or less THC content by dry weight. Why 0.3 percent? This definition was first proposed in 1979, in a book called “The Species Problem in Cannabis: Science & Semantics.” In the book, author Ernest Small addresses the fact that it’s difficult to distinguish hemp and cannabis because there’s no actual taxonomical difference between the two. Small proposed the 0.3 percent rule as a possible solution, but he himself acknowledged that it’s an arbitrary number. This number was used in the legal definition of hemp, as specified in the Agricultural Act of 2018 and other laws in the United States. Because the THC level in hemp is so low, it’s unlikely to get you high.”

So that’s it.  Hemp is from the cannabis plant, but with low enough levels of THC that it is legal to consume.  When we talk about cannabis being used in food we use the terms hemp milk, hemp oil and hemp seeds, rather than cannabis.

Benefits of eating hemp seeds

Heart protection with hemp seeds

The body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids, so they must be obtained from the diet.  Cannabis seeds, more widely known as hemp seeds for food, are a great source of both the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and in the right balance.  The right balance is hard to strike, but consuming hemp seeds can help as they have an optimal ratio.

The cannabis seeds contain stearidonic acid (SDA) and gamma-linolenic (GLA) which have anti-inflammatory effects.  These effects can reduce inflammation of the blood vessels, thus helping to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that Omega-3 acids could contribute to the regulation of many biological processes, during pregnancy and childbirth. They can also lower the risk of preterm labour and a moderate increase in birth weight.

Hemp seeds have antioxidant effects

Hemp seeds are high in antioxidants such as vitamin E and phytol.  Vitamin E is great for the brain and phytol is known to have anticancer properties.  Antioxidants can help prevent damage to cells protecting them from disease and cancer, as well as supporting healthy skin, hair and nails.

Proteins in hemp seeds

In every 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds, there are 9.46 g of complete proteins, which means that they provide all nine essential amino acids.  You can easily add this many seeds to your cereal each day!

How to use hemp seeds in the kitchen?

Shelled hemp seeds are widely available and they are easy to add to foods.  They’re even tasty as a snack in their own right, particularly if you’re already a fan of nuts and seeds.  They can easily be added to a trail mix with their mild nutty flavour.

You can prepare everything from smoothies to dessert recipes with hemp seeds. Sprinkle the seeds on cereal, over rice, salads, veggies, and even guacamole!

You can also buy hemp milk, hemp oil and even hemp flour to easily add it to your daily diet in a variety of ways.

4 thoughts on “Benefits of eating hemp seeds”

  1. Interesting – have never tried them!

    • They’re tasty sprinkled on top of salads, or sometimes I add them to muesli 🙂

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever tried these. Hemp is an amazing plant; so many uses.

    • Yes, loads of uses from clothes to medicine to snacking! 🙂


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